Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Human Brain: An intricate universe

The human brain has more than billion neurons and supporting cells. The connectivity between these neurons along with the micro-environment provided by the supporting cells makes it possible for us to think, feel or act. Indeed with the augmentation of the era of Neuroscience it is now clear that human mind is an emergent phenomenon produced from human brain. Neuroscientists have now shifted their understanding of brain function from local region specific functionality to more wide neuronal circuitry and its activity patterns. Every day the brain is breaking or forming or at times strengthening or weakening new neuronal connections. Each day is a learning day for the brain; it can be said that Human Brain is a perennial student for life.
Human Mind depends on activity of neuronal circuits. In-turn these circuits depend on the neuron characteristics. The characteristics of neurons are dependent of the genetic makeup of that cell. Though environmental inputs also have a major role in guiding the modulation of the circuits. Another important faculty of human brain is memory; that is the ability to remember as well as learn new experiences. Thus apart from genetic and environmental factors affecting neurons another essential factor helping in rewiring or stabilizing the brain circuits is habit. Habits are repetitive behaviors of any person; research has shown straightening of circuits by repeated exposure to the similar surroundings or scenario. Indeed yoga based life style practices like daily yogic postures and asanas, meditation and eating habits have shown quite remarkable structural changes in the brain. The resultant openness to learn, accept and move ahead is all because of Brain neural plasticity. It is like discovering new aspects and abilities of mind itself. Truly an observer is indeed the student being observed.
Overall from this view it becomes clear that long thought efficient methods, like meditation or renunciation to solitude, have a profound functional basis for changing Human Mind.